Activism and social commentary is how Darren came to wider public note in Scotland, thanks to regular contributions on pro-independence sites like Bella Caledonia and regular appearances on BBC Scotland and Scottish Television. In 2015, he began writing for STV Online, where he gained a broader and more politically diverse audience. In 2016, Darren began writing for The Scotsman, where his weekly column quickly became a popular feature of the paper's output. McGarvey is a regular contributor to other UK publications, including the Independent, the Guardian as well as television and radio mainstays like Question Time and Radio Four's Start The Week. The publication of Poverty Safari has led to a broader interest in Darren's writing across the UK and beyond.

Activism and social commentary is how Darren came to wider public note in Scotland, thanks to regular contributions on pro-independence sites like Bella Caledonia and regular appearances on BBC Scotland and Scottish Television. In 2015, he began writing for STV Online, where he gained a broader and more politically diverse audience. In 2016, Darren began writing for The Scotsman, where his weekly column quickly became a popular feature of the paper's output. McGarvey is a regular contributor to other UK publications, including the Independent, the Guardian as well as television and radio mainstays like Question Time and Radio Four's Start The Week. The publication of Poverty Safari has led to a broader interest in Darren's writing across the UK and beyond.


Darren McGarvey: The State We're In

Darren McGarvey explores the UK’s justice system. The brand new BBC Scotland Documentary series begins on the 27th of February 2024 at 10pm.

Follow the link below to watch on iPlayer now.


Darren McGarvey’s Addictions won Factual Series at the BAFTA Awards Scotland ceremony on the 20th of November 2022.

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners.

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